Half Day Seminar
CE Evaluation
Be present for 100% of the content AND complete the post-session evaluation question
below for each topic for which they are applying for contact hour(s):
As a result of this educational activity:
I have increased knowledge of in the grading and management of hypersensitivity reactions.
I have increased knowledge of bispecific antibody induced cytokine release syndrome.
I have increased knowledge in theranostics use, complications and side effects in patients with advanced prostate cancer.
I have increased knowledge of new topics and discoveries in nursing care of the oncology patient.
I have increased awareness of how providing access to screening and diagnostic care to historically marginalized communities can improve health equity.
I am more confident in my nursing practice.
Please rate our Presenters:
Megan Corbett, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, OCN
Lauren McGovern, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, OCN
Praful Ravi, MB, BChir, MRCP
Ludmila Svoboda, BSN, MA, RN, OCN
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