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Nomination Application 


ELECTIONS BEGIN 12/16/2023 and END 1/8/2024


President Elect - 2 year term

The Treasurer shall fulfill the following:

  1. Perform such duties as the President and /or BOD may determine

  2. Perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President.

  3. Shall serve a 1-year term which begins the January after the election

  4. Assumes role as President the following year


Secretary - 2 year term

  1. Send notice and keep the minutes of the meetings of the members and of the BOD.

  2. Monitor and record attendance at all meetings

  3. Perform other duties as usually pertain to the office of secretary, or as may be required by the BOD or the President

  4. Shall serve a 2-year term


Director at Large - 2 year TERM

- Directors-at-large represent the general chapter membership on the board of directors.

- They perform responsibilities designated by the chapter board of directors.

- Expected to attend four board meetings per calendar year.

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Upload Letter of Intent

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