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BONS Program

Finding Compassion Satisfaction and Resilience during the COVID 19 Pandemic


The planning committee would like your opinion and comments on this educational activity.  This will assist in planning future educational activities.  Please leave the completed evaluation form with program personnel at the end of the activity. 


Evaluation Survey

QUALITY OF INSTRUCTION: (if multiple presenters, evaluate the following for each speaker/presenter individually).

  • Knowledge of subject

  • Organization and clarity of content

  • Effectiveness of teaching methods

Please check the following criteria when rating the following speaker: Nellee Fine, BSN, MA, RN, AOCN. Knowledge of subject:
Please check the following criteria when rating the following speaker: Nellee Fine, BSN, MA, RN, AOCN. Organization and clarity of content:
Please check the following criteria when rating the following speaker: Nellee Fine, BSN, MA, RN, AOCN. Effectiveness of teaching methods:
Please check the following criteria when rating the following speaker: Cynthia Medeiros, LICSW. Knowledge of subject:
Please check the following criteria when rating the following speaker: Cynthia Medeiros, LICSW. Organization and clarity of content:
Please check the following criteria when rating the following speaker: Cynthia Medeiros, LICSW . Effectiveness of teaching methods:
Please check the following criteria when rating the following speaker: Dana Cameron, BSN, RN, OCN. Knowledge of subject:
Please check the following criteria when rating the following speaker: Dana Cameron, BSN, RN, OCN. Organization and clarity of content:
Please check the following criteria when rating the following speaker: Dana Cameron, BSN, RN, OCN. Effectiveness of teaching methods:
Please check the following criteria when rating the following speaker: Jessica Bees, MSN, RN. Knowledge of subject:
Please check the following criteria when rating the following speaker: Jessica Bees, MSN, RN. Organization and clarity of content:
Please check the following criteria when rating the following speaker: Jessica Bees, MSN, RN. Effectiveness of teaching methods:
Please check the following criteria when rating the following speaker: Christine McCarthy, NP. Knowledge of subject:
Please check the following criteria when rating the following speaker: Christine McCarthy, NP. Organization and clarity of content:
Please check the following criteria when rating the following speaker: Christine McCarthy, NP. Effectiveness of teaching methods:

LEARNING OUTCOMES: (if multiple outcomes, evaluate the following for each outcome individually) 

As a result of this activity, I was/will be able to identify 1 strategy to reduce compassion fatigue during the Covid-19 Pandemic:
Were the presentation(s) free from commercial bias?

ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS: Please check the administrative arrangements as satisfactory or unsatisfactory. 

Promotional information provided adequate information:
Registration process was efficient:
Scheduling of the activity met my needs:

Thank you for your submission.

Your CNE certificate will be sent to your email provided. 

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